
Сообщения за декабрь, 2022

9th December

Hello everyone🤗🤗🤗. Today we went to the Taki-Telpak Furushon and Taki-Sarrafon, one of the ancient and famous monuments in Bukhara, with our classmates. We definitely got a lot of interesting information during our trip there and had a great day. Now I want to share with you my impressions.🥰🥰🥰 The medieval Bukhara was a great trading city , welcoming merchants from all parts of Central Asia , from Iran and India , from Russia and China . The trading status of Bukhara was reflected in the planning and development of the city . Large streets in the centre served as bazaars , each selling a particular type of product . Complex , multiply ventilated domed floors were built for their improvement in the squares and crossroads of the streets , known as " stream " - arches , vaults . Three such structures have been preserved : Toqi Zargaron ( trade dome of the jewellers ) , Toqi Sarrafon ( trade dome of the money changers ) and Toqi Telpak Furushon ( trade dome of the cap selle

6th December

 Hello students😇😇😇We are continuing our tour in historical places as usual.  Today, we went to the Blacksmith History Forge Museum, which is an ancient and wonderful example of architecture in Bukhara, with our fellow students and our teacher Matluba Akhmedovna.  We got a lot of information about that place, our teacher told us about it.  Now I want to share my knowledge and impressions with you through a video, watch it and leave your comments in the comments section.🥰🥰🥰 In 1992, the blacksmiths' museum-workshop, the only one of its type in Uzbekistan, was set up in the 16th - century Kulyuta karavansarai. The museum-workshop is a living museum. Not only could one learn there the history of the ancient blacksmith's craft, but also participate in making blacksmith products. Usto Shokir Kamolov, who comes of a family of blacksmiths, is the senior researcher of the museum Archeologists have recorded many items in Bukhoro which confirm the ancient origins of this craft in th

7th December

 Hello everyone🤗🤗🤗. Today we went to the Taki-Zargaran, one of the ancient and famous monuments in Bukhara, with our classmates. We definitely got a lot of interesting information during our trip there and had a great day. Now I want to share with you my impressions.🥰🥰🥰 The Tak-i Zargaron is a multiple dome-covered market located at the intersection of the primary east-west and north-south streets of Bukhara's center city (Shahristan). The largest and best preserved of Bukhara's once numerous crossroad markets (chorsu), its name translates to "The Dome of Jewelers or Goldsmiths", which conflicts with its traditional function as a textile market. Although no single patron or inaugural date is recorded, passages in Arab historian Zain- ud Din Wofisi's (1485-1551) 'Badaye' al-Vaqaye' suggest an early sixteenth century date under Timurid instead of the popularly believed Shaybanid patronage Domed crossroad markets were popularly called "Taks&quo

5th December

 6-day Hello students.😉😉😉  Today we organized a trip to interesting places with our classmates.  We went to the dungeon behind the arch castle.  There we witnessed interesting things and got great information.😇😇😇  For example, we got to know the punishments used for the murderers there, what the mirshabs wore and the discipline of the place.😀😀😀 Northeast of the Ark and just behind it is the old Zindon (jail). Morbidly fascinating attractions include a torture chamber, shackles used on prisoners and several dungeons, including the gruesome fourth cell, the 6.5m deep kanakhona (bug pit), accessible only by rope, where Stoddart and Conolly languished for years in a dark chamber filled with lice, scorpions and other vermin . There are also some fabulous early-20th-century photographs of pre-Soviet Bukhara taken by Russian photographer Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky Then we visited to Bolo Houz mosque . We were very exsited. We learned a lot about it . Bolo -House is situated at the squar


 Hii student😘😘😘We are continuing our tour in historical places as usual. Today, we went to the Fine Art museum, which is a wonderful example of architectural, with our fellow students and our teacher Matluba Akhmedovna. We got a lot of information about that place, our teacher told us about it. Now I want to share my knowledge and impressions with you through a picture, watch it and leave your comments in the comments section. The building was constructed in 1912 by the local masters Hoji Abdurahim Hayatov and Abdugafur Karaulbegi under the guidance of the Russian engineers Margulis and Sakovich. The first floor of the building housed Savva Morozov's shop. On the second floor there was the branch of the Azov-Donskoy bank. From 1920 up to 1982, this building had placed the department of the State Bank (Gosbank) and other organizations. Museums are a scientific, spiritual and educational treasury that transfers wealth inherited from ancestors to future generations, a book that tel


 Hii guys🥰🥰We are continuing our tour in historical places as usual. Today, we went to the Labi Havuz and the Art Gallery Museum, which is an ancient and wonderful example of architecture in Bukhara, with our fellow students and our teacher Matluba Akhmedovna. We got a lot of information about that place, our teacher told us about it. Now I want to share my knowledge and impressions with you through a video, watch it and leave your comments in the comments section.😇😇😇 Labi Hauz which is translated as ‘at the pond’ is one of the central squares of Bukhara situated in the southeast part of the city. The architectural ensemble was created in the 16th-17th centuries. The square has the form of an irregular polygon with the Divan-Begi madrasah in the eastern part. In the western part, opposite the madrasah, is the Divan-Begi khanqah. The khanqah is a small cruciform building with a domed hall in the centre and two storeys of khujras around it. The main façade is flanked with low towers


 Hello students😇😇😇We are continuing our tour in historical places as usual.  Today, we went to the Magoki Attar Mosque and the Kalinbaflik Historical Museum, which is an ancient and wonderful example of architecture in Bukhara, with our fellow students and our teacher Matluba Akhmedovna.🤩🤩🤩  We got a lot of information about that place, our teacher told us about it.  Now I want to share my knowledge and impressions with you through a video, watch it and leave your comments in the comments section.😉😉😉 The Magoki-Attori Mosque in the city's centre is an example of an urban mosque in a residential quarter. The mosque was built on the site of the pre-lslamic Moh temple mentioned above. Excavations have revealed the fact that even under the Samanids there was a six-pier mosque, which apparently was also domed. However, it was rebuilt substantially in the twelfth century; the floor level was upgraded and the main facade received a new design that survives with little damage only