
Сообщения за апрель, 2023


 Hello everyone🤗🤗At the moment,I want to talk about our day.We went to the Abdulaziz Khan madrasah  and many museums, which is located there, with coursemates and teacher today😇😇😇 Now I want to share with you the memories of our wonderful day. Actually, Abdulaziz Khan madrasah is the ancient section of Bukhara city .The monument is a large earthen fortification located in northwestern part of Bukhara.🤩🤩👍👍 Abdulaziz Khan Madrasah is a part of architectural ensemble of Ulugbek Madrasah, however, it is much bigger and more beautiful. The portal of madrasah is decorated with rich patterns, in the decoration of which was used yellow paint. There were also used different technologies during the construction of the building: carved tile and mosaic, relief majolica, carved marble, gilding. There are pictures of Chinese dragon and bird of happiness Semurg on the walls, here you can also read poems of famous poets. Madrasah has two mosques - winter and summer, the walls and ceiling deco


 Hello everyon🫠🫠At the moment,I want to talk about our sixth day.We went to the Ulugbek madrasah  and many museums, which is located there, with coursemates and teacher Matluba Ahmedova today😇😇😇 Now I want to share with you the memories of our wonderful day. Actually, Ul5 madrasah is the ancient section of Bukhara city . monument is a large earthen fortification located in northwestern part of Bukhara.🤩🤩👍👍 Bukhara Madrasah is the first Madrasah, built by Ulugbek. It is comparatively small, but has great forms. This is a building with two-ayvan square yard, surrounded by two-storey hudjrs, with darskhana cupola ha The maksura is square and has deeply recessed niches on the transverse axis and a mihhrab on the main axis. Slabbing is typical for the early fifteenth century,-an octahedron of arched pendentives supports a vaulted inner dome and is capped by a spherical blue outer dome upon a drum. This structure still dominates the skyline of Bukhara The Kalyan Mosque is one of the


Hello everybody😊🤗At the moment,I want to talk about our sixth day.We went to the Kalyan Mosque and many museums, which is located there, with coursemates and teacher today😇😇😇 Now I want to share with you the memories of our wonderful day. Actually, Kalyan Mosque is the ancient section of Bukhara city .The monument is a large earthen fortification located in northwestern part of Bukhara.🤩🤩👍👍 The Kalyan Mosque is one of the outstanding monuments of Bukhara, dating back to the fifteenth century. According to data from archaeological excavations, the original Karakhanid Djuma Mosque was destroyed by fire and dismantled, apparently at the time of the Mongolian invasion. Some time later, it was rebuilt, but this reconstructed mosque did not remain long. A new mosque was built in the fifteenth century, at the time of the Sheybanids, according to written sources of the time. The layout of the Djuma Mosque (named the Kalyan Mosque) is traditional: a rectangular courtyard with a tall an


 Hello dears😇At the moment,I want to talk about our sixth day.We went to the Ismail Samani  and many museums, which is located there, with coursemates and teacher Matluba Ahmedova today😇😇😇 Now I want to share with you the memories of our wonderful day. Actually, Ismail Samani is the ancient section of Bukhara city .The monument is a large earthen fortification located in northwestern part of Bukhara.🤩🤩👍👍 The Samanid mausoleum is located in the historical urban nucleus of the city of Bukhara, in a park laid out on the site of an ancient cemetery. The mesmerizing tomb of Ismael Samani is an architectural bolt from the blue. The oldest, best preserved and most breathtakingly original building in Bukhara, it is without doubt oneof the architectural highlights of any visit to Uzbekistan. This mausoleum in Samani Park, completed in 905, is the town’s oldest Muslim monument and probably its sturdiest architecturally According to the legend, the founder of Samanids dynasty, Ismail Sama


 Hi guys😋😋At the moment,I want to talk about our sixth day.We went to the Chashmai Ayub monument and many museums, which is located there, with coursemates and teacher Matluba Ahmedova today😇😇 In the days before Bukhara even existed, a millennium before Islam was even a glimmer in the Prophet's eye, the prophet Job came to the Zerafshan Valley and witnessed a great and terrible drought. As people perished of thirst around him, Job struck the dusty earth with his staff and a cool source of sweet spring water brought liquid salvation. Sudden appearance of a well had astonished the people by its vivifying spring and its crystal clear water. The Chashma Ayub, the Spring of Job, commemorates this site The construction layout of the portal is in a traditional pattern, made up in the form of two pylons, forming the niche overlapped by the semi vault. The II-shaped frame, the inside of which forms the obverse surface, tympanum, and ktoba, is finished with an inscription above the lance


Hello students😊😊At the moment,I want to talk about our sixth day.We went to the Timi Abdulla Khan and many museums, which is located there, with coursemates and teacher Matluba Ahmedova today😇😇😇 Now I want to share with you the memories of our wonderful day. Actually, Kukaldash madrasah is the ancient section of Bukhara city .The monument is a large earthen fortification located in northwestern part of Bukhara.🤩🤩👍👍 Abdullah-khan II (1533-1598), was the most successful khan of the Shaybanid dynasty. During his reign, trade and commerce were booming in Bukhara, as the Khan struggled to unify the Uzbeks under a single Khanate. As the streets became increasingly choked with stalls and merchants, authorities came up with a novel idea. To clear traffic congestion, the bazaars would be moved off the streets and inside permanent trading domes! In a way, these “tims” or “shopping passages” became the first shopping malls. Merchants were allocated their own space to set up shop, and wit


 Hello everyone🤗🤗At the moment,I want to talk about our sixth day.We went to the Nadir-devanbegi madrasah and many museums, which is located there, with coursemates and teacher Matluba Ahmedova today😇😇😇 Now I want to share with you the memories of our wonderful day. Actually, Nadir-devonbegi  madrasah is the ancient section of Bukhara city .The monument is a large earthen fortification located in northwestern part of Bukhara.🤩🤩👍👍 Nadir Divan-begi Madrasah is a part of the architectural complex located round well-known Lyabi-Hauz in Bukhara. The madrasah building, as well as khanaka nearby, were named after vizier Nadir by whose order they were constructed. Vizier Nadir served at a court yard of one the strongest and powerful representatives of Ashtarkhanid dynasty Imamkuli-khan, who ruled in Bukhara in 1611-1642. The board of Imamkuli-khan was one of the most stable and relatively peaceful for the whole history of Ashtarkhanids in Bukhara. It was time when governors paid atten


 Hello everyone🤗🤗At the moment,I want to talk about our sixth day.We went to the Kukaldash madrasah  and many museums, which is located there, with coursemates and teacher Matluba Ahmedova today😇😇😇 Now I want to share with you the memories of our wonderful day. Actually, Kukaldash madrasah is the ancient section of Bukhara city .The monument is a large earthen fortification located in northwestern part of Bukhara.🤩🤩👍👍 Kukeldash Madrasah was built by the best master craftsmen of its time. The decorative vaults feature stucco arches in numerous combinations. The mosaic of the front gate was made without glue or nails. The main entrance is covered with mosaics showing beautiful geometric decorative patterns. Kukeldash Madrasah was also a unique building of its time in terms of architecture. Virtually all the madrasahs then had the similar design of a solid rectangle with a large decorated portal and a courtyard. Kukeldash Madrasah has no solid walls. Instead, they are walls with


 Hello my dears🤗🤗At the moment,I want to talk about our second day.We went to the Minaret Kalan and many monuments, which is located there, with coursemates and teacher Matluba Ahmedova today😇😇😇 Today, the Kalon minaret is part of the Poi-Kalon architectural ensemble. In addition to the minaret, this includes the Kalon Cathedral Mosque (XV-XVI centuries) and the Miri-Arab Madrasah (XVI century). Often this tower was used to call on the people and announce important decisions of the rulers to them and also for observation, the observation deck provided surveillance over long distances, and sometimes even served as a beacon for wanderers who got lost in the desert.At different times, the minaret served for different purposes. The main one was religious - to call the faithful Muslims to prayer. There was also a period in the history of the unique minaret when the tower was used as an execution tool for the condemned. Sometimes it was called the "Tower of Death". There are t


Hello students🤗🤗At the moment,I want to talk about our second day.We went to the Mir Arab madrasah and mosque, which is located there, with coursemates and teacher Matluba Ahmedova today😇😇😇 Now I want to share with you the memories of our wonderful day. Actually, Mir Arab madrsah is the ancient section of Bukhara city .The monument is a large earthen fortification located in northwestern part of Bukhara.🤩🤩👍👍 Construction of the Miri-Arab madrasah dates back to the 16th century and is related to the sheikh Abdallah Yamani (from Yemen), the spiritual pir (guide) of sheybanids. The exact date of the beginning of the construction is still unknown. According to one version, scientists believe that the building was erected in the period of 1530-1535/1536. The other version states, that the madrasah was built to celebrate the victory of the sheybanid army over the troops of the Sefevid shah Ismail I in the battle of Gijduvan in 1512. It is also supposed that the final construction wo